Arizona Summer Ch. 01: My 1st Night


My First Night in the New Neighborhood

My family moved to Arizona, quite unexpectedly, during my senior year in high school. Since I was already eighteen, I considered staying in Illinois to finish the year and move out West afterwards. Instead, I made the move with my family during winter break in December. We packed up and relocated to a suburb of Phoenix. I enrolled at the closest high school in order to begin classes in January and finish my last semester. It felt strange being the new kid without any friends. I was entering a new school in a new state. I was more than a little nervous.

My parents bought a house in a new subdivision directly next to the high school that I would be attending. There was a 6-foot block fence that separated our yard from an open field that led to the myriad of buildings that comprised the high school. Each house in the subdivision had the same block fence that divided the properties. It was an entirely different world than what I had grown up knowing. Grass yards were sparse due to the fact that Arizona is located in a desert. Instead, landscaping consisted of rock gravel, concrete, and thorny desert plants. None of which were kind to skin!

My routine of exploring naked outdoors under the cover of darkness, like I was used to in Illinois, had to be altered if I was going to continue with my sexual fun in this new desert I now called home. Fortunately, I had a vivid imagination that complimented a healthy libido.

To make matters even more complicated, my bedroom was located upstairs on the front side of the house. Sneaking outside without waking my parents or being noticed by neighbors would be difficult if not impossible. Still, I kept my options open and made the best of my new situation.

The first couple of days I drove and walked around the new neighborhood in order to get a feel for what obstacles and challenges I might be up against. The newly built subdivision was about 50% complete. There were about 30-40 houses yet to be built. The newly planted trees were too small to provide shade let alone cover to hide behind. The desert plants and bushes were equally tiny with the addition of thorns. Aesthetically, the so-far completed neighborhood was rather bleak.

I found my way towards the part of the neighborhood that was still being built. The houses were in various stages of construction. A few were ready to move in while others were only a shell. The upside was that there were numerous dumpsters, pallets of concrete blocks, and other construction materials that provided ample places to explore and hide. I spent a fair amount of time surveying the area hoping it could suffice for my nightly naked adventures.

I also explored the open field that separated my new home from the high school. This open area was void of any significant foliage but instead had Russian thistle (tumbleweed), creosote bush, and various cacti. The only plus was that it was completely dark at night and opened up to a canal and dirt road on the far north end, about a quarter mile from my house.

My bedroom window faced the front of the house and looked out over the cul-de-sac at the three houses across the street. The garage, built in front of the house, was directly under my window. It was an easy climb from my open window to the roof of the garage and then onto the block wall that divided the subdivision from the open field. Luckily, my bedroom was closest to the block wall. This gave me an idea.

While it was still light outside and nobody was home, I opened my bedroom window and crawled onto the roof. I made my way to the edge nearest the block wall. Looking down, the top of the wall was only a few feet away. I easily climbed from the roof to the wall without any problem. I had found a way to go outside whenever I wanted without waking anyone. Things were looking up!

It was the middle of winter in Phoenix, Arizona which meant the daytime temperature was in the mid 70s. Nighttime and early morning temperatures could be rather chilly, hovering in the mid 40s. It was paradise compared to the bitter cold weather of Illinois. I took full advantage of the moderate weather.

On the night that I decided to resume my nocturnal fun, I eagerly laid naked in bed with the lights out and listened until I was certain everyone was asleep. I was so turned on in anticipation of the night ahead that I couldn’t stop playing with my erect cock. I nearly ejaculated before stepping fatih esc a single foot outside. Once I was certain no one else was awake, I got out of bed and quietly crawled to the window.

Hiding below the window sill, I carefully opened the blinds and pushed open the window. The cool night air blew into my room as I raised my head just enough to peek outside. My body was on fire as I crouched in front of the window looking at the houses across the street. I ran my hands along my naked body as I watched to see if anyone was awake in the neighborhood.

Not seeing anyone, I carefully stepped through the window and crawled, on my hands and knees, on the garage roof. I slowly made my way along the roofline stopping every few feet to tease my aching hard on. My eyes kept a keen watch at the surrounding houses while I crept cat-like on top of the garage roof – naked and aroused.

The lone streetlight next to the sidewalk in the cul-de-sac lit up the otherwise dark street. I crawled around the rooftop hiding in the shadows while I stroked my erect cock. The end of the roof, furthest away from the house, was bathed in the glow of the streetlight.

I straddled the top of the roof, one naked leg on either side, and stroked my cock with both hands. I sat in the shadow just shy of where the streetlight lit up the rooftop. I played with myself until I was on the verge of cumming. I’d continue this teasing, over and over again, in order to delay my first climax outdoors.

Each time I was nearly ready to explode, I inched my naked body slightly forward exposing myself to the brightness of the streetlight. I knew what I was doing was reckless and revealed my nakedness to any of my neighbors. I couldn’t help it. I had waited too long to be naked and free with my body outside. The further that I exposed my body in the streetlight the more aroused I became.

Before I could rationalize my actions, I was straddling the edge of the garage roof, on my knees, in full view from the streetlight. I was stroking my hard cock without a care of who might see me. I could clearly see my naked body in the glow of the streetlight. My eyes darted at the houses all around me as I stroked and tugged on my manhood. My heart beat like a drum inside my chest as I felt nervous and excited at the same time.

Suddenly, I felt the familiar sensation of an intense climax. I flexed my hips forward as I feverishly stroked my cock. Streams of cum arched into the air and landed on the concrete far below. I watched with naughty delight as my sperm puddled on the driveway for anyone…everyone…to witness. I moaned with pleasure as the last bit of cum dripped off the tip of my penis.

The realization that I was completely naked and masturbating in the open where any of my neighbors could see me was exciting beyond my wildest dreams. The euphoria I felt at that moment was amazing. I was completely exposed as I sat naked on the roof of my garage. Did anyone notice? Had anyone seen me climax?

My body was hot from the aroused state I was in. I stood up and walked back towards my bedroom window. My semi-erect cock swayed back and forth in the cool night air. I was still excited and ready for more sexual fun. My body was sweating and the cool night air was quickly causing me to shiver.

I wrapped my arms tightly around my body to try and stay warm. I could easily crawl back inside my window and warm up in my bed but I wanted to be outside, naked and aroused, even if it meant being cold.

Without grabbing clothes or a pair of shoes, I climbed off the roof onto the block wall. I crouched on top of the wall as I looked around in the darkness. The field leading to the high school was pitch black. Wandering through it without any shoes on would end badly for sure. I decided to climb down onto the open field side of the block wall and follow it north towards the canal. The loose dirt alongside the wall was soft under foot and relatively void of any plants.

It felt amazing being naked outside and pleasuring myself once again. My new surroundings were different than what I was used to but the experience was just as satisfying. I walked next to the block wall in the dark and stroked my erection. The air was still and quiet as I moved along the open field.

I hadn’t planned on leaving my house completely naked without any clothing whatsoever. I was nervous not knowing the lay of the land but it felt exhilarating just the same. sarıyer esc I knew my way back home easily enough but I wasn’t exactly certain what I might run into. I kept a watchful eye as I ventured further away from home.

I continued to tease my cock while I walked along the block wall. I could make out the buildings of the high school in the distance to my left as I continued walking. The dirt underfoot became covered with desert plants that were difficult to walk on barefoot. I decided to turn around and walk back towards the house.

Knowing the route back was relatively smooth, I started to jog. This got my blood pumping and kept my body warm in the cooler night air. My eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness as I looked around for any visible sign that I wasn’t alone.

I could see the streetlight up ahead that marked the end of the cul-de-sac by my house. I stopped jogging when I was next to my house. I decided to keep walking to the end of the block wall about 75 feet away.

The wall ended at a major street that ran through the subdivision. I once again got on my hands and knees on the ground and hid in the dark as I watched for any activity. I was surprised at the amount of cars that drove by this late in the evening. It had to be around 1:30 AM and cars were driving by regularly.

I was well hidden in the darkness next to the wall even without any trees or foliage nearby. The lack of streetlights also made it difficult to see where I was or what I was doing.

I sat with my back against the block wall and bent my knees apart. I began to stroke my hard cock and play with my balls while I watched the cars drive by unaware. I didn’t know where this brazen side of me had been before moving to Arizona. Here I was completely naked without any clothes in sight while I jerked off next to a busy roadway. My voyeuristic side had really taken over.

The thought of being seen while I was naked and masturbating really turned me on. I fantasized about a car pulling over next to where I was hiding and watching me as I jerked off. How would I react if a stranger walked along the sidewalk and saw me? Would I panic and run or keep playing with myself while they stared at me in disbelief?

Maybe the stranger would try and hold me down so I couldn’t run away. Maybe they would watch me and order me to do something else while naked and exposed. They might even get naked with me so that we could explore one another. Oh the possibilities seemed endless as my mind raced with different kinky scenarios.

My hand stroked my aching hard on as I fantasized about being caught doing the very thing I was currently doing. But nobody could see me hidden in the darkness. Nobody knew what I was doing. Car after oblivious car drove by as I sat naked playing with myself next to the block wall.

Did I really want to expose myself to some stranger? Maybe I was simply turned on by the possibility rather than the act itself? Either way I was excited and aroused. I stood up and walked back towards the house while I toyed with my thoughts.

Wasn’t being naked outside under the cover of darkness enough? How much kinkier could I get without breaking the law? Was I just being greedy in thinking I could play with myself wherever and whenever I wanted? Did other people my age fantasize about such things?

I climbed the block wall next to my house and stood looking at the streetlight. It beckoned me like a moth to a flame. I wanted to walk around naked and have the possibility of someone seeing me. Someone who didn’t know me. Maybe they were as kinky as me? Maybe they would understand the rush I felt from being naked outdoors in the open?

My kinky perversion took control as I proceeded to walk on top of the block wall past my house towards the streetlight. There was an area about 25 feet long that was lit by the streetlight. Before and after that I would be hidden by the cover of darkness. I slowly walked on top of the wall and looked around the empty cul-de-sac as my naked body came into full view under the streetlight. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I once again exposed myself in the open for anyone to see.

After about ten steps my naked body was again hidden in the darkness. I crouched on the block wall next to my neighbor’s house and played with myself while I looked around to see if anyone noticed. The chilly night air was perfectly still and quiet as my kinky mind plotted escort kız ümraniye another scenario.

I balanced atop the wall on my hands and knees and fantasized that I was a wild animal on the prowl. I proceeded to crawl along the wall in full view under the streetlight. I slowly paced back and forth in the light as my engorged cock begged for my attention. I turned my head sideways and pressed my face onto the cool block wall. This caused my back to arch and force my ass upwards.

I tugged on my cock in this pose as I viewed the quiet neighborhood. The streetlight illuminated my naked body while I masturbated in full view of my neighbors. I gripped my manhood in my hand and jerked off happily.

I was so aroused that I could hardly hear anything over my pounding heart beating in my chest. It was deafening. It was as if I was being controlled by an outside force rather than acting on my own. I remained in my cat-like pose masturbating on top of the block wall unable to stop.

I eagerly jerked off under the streetlight while I looked at the houses that lined the street. I was completely exposed and in full view. I had lost my mind or any sense of myself. I was totally lost in the moment.

Suddenly I began to climax. My body shook as streams of cum exploded from my cock and landed on the block wall where I was balancing. I was shocked at the amount of sperm I had deposited on top of the wall.

Just as my body was finished climaxing, I lost my balance and fell sideways. I landed on my feet next to the streetlight. I stood, naked and light headed on the sidewalk with nowhere to hide. What happened next I could never begin to explain.

Instead of climbing back up the wall and retreating to the cover of darkness, I walked to the middle of the cul-de-sac and stood there. There was no mistaking my completely naked, aroused state. I was totally exposed in the open street.

I couldn’t stop. I was fulfilling a sexual fantasy that deep down I wanted to do for years. I laid on my back in the middle of the street and once again started to masturbate. I couldn’t believe how my cock could still be hard after all of the attention so far this evening.

I closed my eyes and touched my naked body. I couldn’t believe what I was doing in the open street. I needed to satisfy my carnal desires. I was insatiable. In an instant I rolled my body in half and threw my legs over my head. I proceeded to suck on my own erect cock right in the middle of the street.

What was I doing? What if someone saw me? I had never before attempted to suck myself off in such an open space. As I sucked on my cock my aroused state multiplied. I was too far gone to stop now. I hungrily licked on my cock and stroked my shaft.

Oh God! This was really happening. I was completely exposed in the middle of the street while I sucked my own cock. I opened my eyes to see if it was real. I turned my head sideways just as a car was driving down the street in the distance. The headlights were slowly getting closer.

Yes! Yes, I moaned as my lips sucked on my rock hard cock. I wanted the car to drive right up next to me while I pleasured myself orally. I wanted whoever was in that car to witness my naughty secret. I wanted them to see how much I loved sucking my own cock in full view of complete strangers.

I continued sucking my cock in the middle of the street as I watched the car get closer and closer. I felt another climax growing inside me as I watched the car progress towards me. I began to cum in my mouth just as the car stopped at the intersection at the other end of the street.

Cum filled my mouth as I watched the car turn and drive away. Did the driver see me? Could they believe what I was doing in the middle of the street in full view? I was beyond aroused at what I had just done. I hungrily sucked the last of my load from my cock and swallowed.

Exhausted and satisfied, I stood up and slowly walked towards the block wall. I wiped my chin and looked around. The street was just as quiet and deserted as before I began my sexual display.

I pulled my naked body on top of the wall and climbed onto my roof. I crawled towards my open window and pulled myself inside. I looked outside at the neighborhood one final time. All I could hear were crickets chirping.

As I reached up to close my window something caught my eye. Directly across the street, in the second story window, I thought I saw the blinds close suddenly. Was someone watching me? Had the neighbor seen my kinky nocturnal display after all? I was too exhausted to give it any more thought.

I crawled in bed and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was a new day for countless opportunities.

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